Quote Originally Posted by rusty jefferson View Post
No, no we're not including speakers here. We've been talking about electronic equipment. Speaker comparisons are quite different especially in a home audio application where it would require 2 sets of identical amplifiers for instantaneous switching of your A/B/X box. There is no practical application for a double blind test of different speakers in your living room. Leave it to Harman.

I do appreciate your original thread starting discussion about potential noise in a piece of equipment and whether or not we'd be able to hear it, but we have drifted...
Well no. I was also discussing minute differences from crossover capacitors and speakers by extension. I think I am getting more "noise" from the Audyn caps than the oil can/Clarity combo. Why limit this?

Why would one use two amps? That would distort the results because the two amps would not be identical. You need to change between the speakers on the same amp and maintain the volume setting at the mic.

Why does there need to be a practical application? What if I just want to compare my L200/300s to my L112s at the same volume level and be able to switch between them instantly? What if I wanted to know which images better?