Hi, I am expecting the delivery of a pair of JBL L250ti speakers. In the meantime I have been looking a the design of the crossover..the first problem being to identify which was used.,
Anyway, that issue is resolved but it does lead to another question. Given that this model was supposed to be the top end of JBL domestic products, can anyone explain why it used electrolytic capacitors in the crossover? They are bypassed by film caps, and JBL advertises that fact. It was a new technique for them back in those days...but electrolytic caps everywhere else? Was it a money-saving exercise (in their top model)? Or else....?
Also has anyone an opinion about upgrading old electrolytic caps to Elna Silmic II? One argument could be that it preserves the original "voicing" of the speaker which could be lost going to the more exotic caps
Thanks for any advice.