Thoughts on this Active Crossover on Aliexpress? They say they're Linkwitz-Riley filters, which I've read some other great crossovers like Marchand are.
I'm not clear if they're a clone of an existing device or an original design. They state you can customize the crossover point, so I could order it at 300Hz. (Default is 2200Hz)

Specs Listed:

1. Filter type: Linkwitz-Riley filter,

2. Frequency: 2200HZ (20-2200Hz for bass output, 2200-200000Hz for treble output) - The frequency divide point can be customized.

3. Attenuation slope: -24dB/Oct

4. Plate structure: 4 channel output, high pitch, bass

5. OP chip: double precision muses 8920 imported from JRC Company