Quote Originally Posted by academia50 View Post
I just discovered this thread, and I revive it to recommend that I used chinese ink, applying two coats.While you apply it with a soft brush - the artistic type -, with a hair dryer you apply heat to the brush strokes, at a low temperature, and with alternating movements, you get it to dry very quickly and you can apply both coats on it. very little time.My LE14Cs were stored in low temperature and high humidity conditions for two years. They had very ugly brown spots. It looked like new, you can see it in the photo. (I also changed the envelopes)If the stains or discoloration are very intense, you can apply more layers until you see that they have disappeared. I agree with those who say that the Mms will not be altered significantly enough for a difference in sound to be heard. The ink applied has a negligible weight.I hope it helps, greetings.
Thanks for the tip. I'll have to see if this product is available in USA.