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Thread: Bgw amp plus eq for free!

  1. #181
    Senior Member RMC's Avatar
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    Hi Tom,

    Hope you're going better.

    Seems to me you're right: booster amp, more like noise masking than real noise reduction... Makes music louder so you won't hear surrounding noise! I like the phones design tho, but the battery box is a no .

    RE "tho will keep digging in the boxes." Great idea as this gives me some alternative suggestions to look at. I still have on the back burner Beyer Dynamic DT 240 and 250 but can't arrange for a demo to assess these with most things closed these days (all non-essential).

    Then, "sheltering in place" too, though we're not Cov 19 sick yet but the numbers are rising fast here too. We go out once a week or so for grocery plus me go pick up the odd "junk food" when I "cook dinner" as wife says LOL, that's about it. Snow melting fast, might be able to work on the lawn soon, but still a little cold.

    Therefore best time for me doing lots of income tax returns for family now, hopefully my head won't explode from all the numbers... Regards,


    P.S. Could a funnier display of avatar pics boost morale around this site in the present circumstances?

  2. #182
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    Sea's new Avatar pic is fun. Must say it looks a lot like me at work these days filling tax forms. Oxygen tank & mask making me immune to infection, but not immune to income tax though...

    Wonder what would happen if the tank was filled with Helium gas: levitation at work? euphoria?

    Guess as long as amount of taxes owed isn't itself subject to levitation, then euphoria should take place!

  3. #183
    RIP 2021 SEAWOLF97's Avatar
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    so, if you like big, comfortable 'phones and don't like cords ..maybe try Senn wireless HDR-130's


    I have a pair of Pioneers, comfy & good sounding.
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  4. #184
    Senior Member RMC's Avatar
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    Sea or Si!

    Can't recall seeing those Pioneer phones model before, having more or less the look of the HD25. Seems interesting, must be somewhat older to look like that, kind of retro design now copied by Senn HD25 you have?

    Do I understand correctly that you have these for sale? If so, might be interested but would need more details. How would you describe their actual condition? And vinyl on headband and ear pads? 1/4" plug?

    Can they remain on the head for an hour's listening without ears being crushed? No boosted mid-bass nor exagerated bass?

    Btw got a doctor's phone appointment yesterday, like you did, routine "check-up" following blood test, appears like i'm going to live another year, lol

  5. #185
    RIP 2021 SEAWOLF97's Avatar
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    Pioneer SE-4
    Open Type Stereo Headphones (1977-90)

    Introduced way back in 1988, Sennheiser’s HD 25 headphones have attained iconic status as the number one choice of DJs and music professionals the world over.

    they do overlap in time periods.
    I really enjoyed my se-4's and may try them again tonite.

    Although I have them for sale, in your case I'd recommending finding some in Canada and avoiding expensive shipping and duties.

    The HDR-130's are more modern , comfortable , rechargeable and actually have a volume control. Very enjoyable too.


    Actually , IF I were looking for lightweight, dynamic, straight cabled headphone in the $100 range ...
    the obvious candidates are GRADO SR-60/80
    and SONY:
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  6. #186
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    Thanks for your headphone efforts.

    I haven't seen the HDR-130 on Senn Canada site. They have HDR-165,175 and 185. Maybe the 130 is an older discontinued model? Wired phones don't bother me as long as not coiled cord, is comfy and sounds good.

    The older sony MDR-V6 has coiled cord, so unless my back is to the wall I try to avoid that, last resort only. Appearance wise the Sony and the Beyer Dynamic DT-250 look similar, but both coiled cord...

    Had a look at current Sony consumer and Pro lineups but very little interesting stuff for me.

    Thanks for reminding me about Grado. I keep forgetting about them, dumb me. Need to see if my dealer (Pro) is authorized for Grado, if not I can order directly online from, if I wish to go that way.

    I'm considering Grado's SR80e or SR125e. Have you tried some of the Grado re comfort/sound?

    Back to phones/mask Avatar pic, means doesn't look good in Orygun virus wise?

  7. #187
    RIP 2021 SEAWOLF97's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RMC View Post
    The older sony MDR-V6 has coiled cord, so unless my back is to the wall I try to avoid that, last resort only. Appearance wise the Sony and the Beyer Dynamic DT-250 look similar, but both coiled cord...

    I left out the model number ..was referring to my MDR-7504 pro cans .. nice

    Thanks for reminding me about Grado. I keep forgetting about them, dumb me. Need to see if my dealer (Pro) is authorized for Grado, if not I can order directly online from, if I wish to go that way.

    I'm considering Grado's SR80e or SR125e. Have you tried some of the Grado re comfort/sound?

    My experience has been with SR-60's (bottom of the line) , SR-80's (didn't improve the sound much) and Sr-325's (un-natural punch)

    see ...

    and that article reminded me about AKG-240's .. also enjoyable & comfy.

    Back to phones/mask Avatar pic, means doesn't look good in Orygun virus wise?

    naw, we're doing OK .. Oregon just sent a bunch of unused ventilators to NYC.
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  8. #188
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    Sony MDR-7504 not on their CDN site, maybe discontinued, MDR-7506 is there, could be the replacement model? I like the design of the smaller MDR-7502, but the comments about its sound are bad. Then out.

    On their site seen Grado SR-125e has a bigger 8 conductor cord vs 4 conductor for SR-80e. Read some comments on different places. One mentioned the larger cord on SR-125 adds weight and pulls down on the phones. Relevant for me as I listen to phones in stand up position 95% or so of the time. Don't need more weight. So that model may have made itself out of the game.

    Thanks for the 5 best list. The AKG K 240 are big phones, as a few others on the list, which isn't my cup of tea even tho they may sound good. For the time being the SR-80e appears like a top contender to suit my needs: no coiled cord, small, comfy and good sounding, also excluding ear buds.

  9. #189
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    After reading all your headphone questions here, I stared digging thru HP box #3 to see whats in there. Been alternating them out for nightly listening sessions.

    Last night tried the Yamaha HP-1 Orthodynamics (35 y.o.) ... wow, why have these been packed away so long ? Immediately reminded me of my Fostex RP-40's .

    detail and more detail. I could pick out individual voices in Beach Boys or Beatles harmonies. They don't have modern bass or shimmering highs, but the mids are just wonderful. Really reminded me of JBL 4410's . There is bass when the program asks for it , but nothing artificial or bloated.

    here is part of a review that I found online:

    Oh my! The Yamaha HP-1 is a classic orthodynamic headphone. Hang on to it. It can be rejuvenated. They can be disassembled and cleaned up.

    The midrange with an ortho like the HP-1 is smooth and full with good detail. So nice. It's midrange love. You aren't going to find anything that competes with that sound for under several hundred $$. Nothing else does midrange like that.

    If you've been listening to the Yamaha HP-1 for all these years you're not going to be satisfied with any of the modern sub $100 headphones. You can find modern headphones that have more treble and a more airy or transparent treble, but you'll never find anything with the midrange love of the Yamaha. Music is in the midrange. Get the midrange right and I'll forgive a less open treble.

    The closest you'll get to the sound qualities of the HP-1 in a modern headphone is a modded Fostex T50RP. The T50RP also happens to be an ortho.

    They do require a lot of gain to come up to full sound, not for plugging into your iPud. Think I'll give these another go tonight.
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  10. #190
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    With three boxes of phones! wife must think you're overdue for can detox ? lol Thanks for keeping the different phones rally a little more.

    Don't remember seeing that Yamaha headphone. Like their small design, similar to Senn HD 25. Any indication where they were made 35 years ago? The old 414X from Senn also has as its main attribute the nicely open mid.

    Funny how in old days there were a number of good sounding small phones vs today's jungle of big cans or lousy sounding ones, unless you pay big bucks. Inflation? Na. Grado still makes afforable, good sounding phones and made in USA! not in China or Romania, so it is possible for Senn, AKG, etc., unless greed explains it.

    E-mailed my dealer (Pro) about Grado availability, they're not authorized dealer since its mostly distributed in hi-fi salons...

  11. #191
    RIP 2021 SEAWOLF97's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RMC View Post
    With three boxes of phones! wife must think you're overdue for can detox ? YES

    lol Thanks for keeping the different phones rally a little more.

    Don't remember seeing that Yamaha headphone. Like their small design, similar to Senn HD 25. Any indication where they were made 35 years ago? JAPAN

    The old 414X from Senn also has as its main attribute the nicely open mid.

    Funny how in old days there were a number of good sounding small phones vs today's jungle of big cans or lousy sounding ones, unless you pay big bucks. Inflation? Na. Grado still makes afforable, good sounding phones and made in USA! not in China or Romania, so it is possible for Senn, AKG, etc., unless greed explains it.

    E-mailed my dealer (Pro) about Grado availability, they're not authorized dealer since its mostly distributed in hi-fi salons...
    another of my fave cans are FOSTEX ...

    light weight orthos , plug in mini jack cord, so you can use any cable that you want to .. can get much better prices than above amazon link. amazing clarity
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  12. #192
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    About 20 years ago, I saved up and bought my dream headphones (have only bought 4 new, ever) ...Sennheiser HD-580's. very happy.

    Last year MassDrop came out with the HD-6XX (650's) for an incredible price. Problem was that when you ordered, your's was yet to be made .. once they got enough pre-orders, then Senn would start the production.

    While dearly loving the 580's , I reckoned the 650's must be even better and so ordered a pair. during the 3 month wait, I acquired what turned out to be a great amp, to be used as a dedicated headphone amp ==>> (mine is the later "A" version)

    Turned out that had I known how good the 580's with the Creek sounded, most likely would not have ordered the 650's. But I already had. "Sennheiser HD650 review. A sound quality that loudspeakers can only dream about!" ==>>

    The 650's came and I've been happy .

    I had planned to gift my son the 580's, but that didn't work out. For last nights listening session, I broke out the 580's and plugged into the Creek again. WOW, just WOW. 1995 vintage, but you sure can't tell. yes, the foam ear pads and headband pads had sagged and I've replaced, but honestly .. I could stop buying and just use this combo forever and not look back.
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  13. #193
    Senior Member RMC's Avatar
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    Don't know if I really have a dream phone. Those shown make a nice set of phones/amp for sure, but cans too big for me. I prefer light and smaller phones for my needs, mostly monitoring from mixer, plus music listening the odd times wife gone to sleep earlier...

    No Wonder Mass Drop sold the HD-6XX (650's) for an incredible price. The cat is out of the bag: "Problem was that when you ordered, your's was yet to be made .. once they got enough pre-orders, the Senn would start the production." "during the 3 month wait,"

    Mass Drop takes pre-orders, probably paid up front too, so no inventory to finance and they purchase a whole production of them (volume purchase), sold ahead of time to consumers... That's a nice problem for them, but the customer has to wait a long time to get these. Mass Drop has little or no exposure and no out of pocket of their own money to give Sennheiser a deposit before manufacturing takes place... The consumers assume all risks or contingencies. Did they tell consumers those weren't built and had to wait 3 months?

    Model # not being the same, though phones may be the same or so, allows Senn to keep high price on 650, and claim, if need be, that its not exactly the same product... Many "house brand" products are/were made this way, e.g. Shure/Radio Shack phono cartridges. Rolls/Bellari also makes audio gear for other names, as I recall initial product Design Engineering required a $6K deposit.

    With my dealer I don't pay a penny in advance (only upon getting the goods), and give no deposit (except once on the very first multi units purchase with them, deposit was pretty small vs invoice total). So the dealer assumes risks, if any, since I always go pick up my stuff and pay for it. To order: I send him an e-mail re what I want, ask him price to me, give him the go, he orders and sends me a PDF of the quote/order, when the gear arrives I get a mail advising me. Dealing with Pros is different when they know they'll get paid. No bullshit, no hassles, contrary to some consumer gear dealers I ordered from on the Web.

    RE "had I known how good the 580's with the Creek sounded, most likely would not have ordered the 650's."

    Easy to fix. Then you can sell the 650 to me, cheap, cheap, cheap. LOL

    RE "had planned to gift my son the 580's, but that didn't work out."

    Can help you with that too. Try gifting me, will most likely work this time, I'm almost your son you know! Yup, my "headphones father". LOL

    Btw how's the leg doing, better? Bike in sight for near future maybe?

  14. #194
    RIP 2021 SEAWOLF97's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RMC View Post

    No Wonder Mass Drop sold the HD-6XX (650's) for an incredible price. The cat is out of the bag: "Problem was that when you ordered, your's was yet to be made .. once they got enough pre-orders, the Senn would start the production." "during the 3 month wait,"

    Mass Drop takes pre-orders, probably paid up front too, so no inventory to finance and they purchase a whole production of them (volume purchase), sold ahead of time to consumers... That's a nice problem for them, but the customer has to wait a long time to get these. Mass Drop has little or no exposure and no out of pocket of their own money to give Sennheiser a deposit before manufacturing takes place... The consumers assume all risks or contingencies. Did they tell consumers those weren't built and had to wait 3 months?

    YES , they were very upfront about the wait and kept us informed.

    Model # not being the same, though phones may be the same or so, allows Senn to keep high price on 650, and claim, if need be, that its not exactly the same product... Many "house brand" products are/were made this way, e.g. Shure/Radio Shack phono cartridges. Rolls/Bellari also makes audio gear for other names, as I recall initial product Design Engineering required a $6K deposit.

    MD specified a different color and shorter cord and other changes.

    don't forget Technics and MCS turntables.

    Btw how's the leg doing, better? Bike in sight for near future maybe?

    L leg hematoma nearly gone, nerve pain remains. R leg MCL rupture not healing. Surgery getting more probable , but can't even get face to face appointments except emergencies.

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  15. #195
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    Well, if that may comfort you a little the grass is no greener here in the land of free health care. Pretty much the same situation. All non-urgent surgery is postponed to clear hospital beds for new virus patients. Haven't hit the peak here yet.

    Seen on the news this week music is good for morale and healing (maybe not Guns & Roses, etc.?). So lets spin some records or CDs and get lots of positive vibes for you...

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