I'm trying to built a 3 way, 136a, LE85, and 077. I bought a pair JBL LE85 one with red seals intact and the other no seals and looks like they try to open it as there was some paint missing around the holes. Anyway I opened and the diaphragm and looks to be original at less there are aftermarket diaphragm that looks exactly the same as the original. I also found the back foam deteriorating, do I need to replace it, the other driver's foam is probably the same. Also bought 2 N200B and are slightly different one has the cables going out through the top and the other through the front. Both Xover had like sand coming out of them. Do you know if JBL put like a sand type inside the crossovers. I also have the parts to build a N8000 Xover. Should I just build the N3133.