I saw a picture of the Array 1400 LF crossover which uses air-core inductors. In pictures of your (Robh3606) crossover I noticed some ferrite core inductors. How important is the core type for the large inductors in these crossovers? Is low DCR more important? The 14 gauge air core inductors available have a DCR of about 0.52 ohms, and the schematic shows a DCR of 0.45 ohms, is the difference significant enough to go to 13 gauge wire inductors or switch to ferrite core inductors with lower DCR?
I went looking for air cores at the time and they were expensive. I have used ferrite and not had any issues. I mean how much power are you planning on using as far as listening levels?? I would definitely try to stay below the max DCR numbers. Do you have any crossover design software?? You can always see what effects changes in DCR will have. If it's only 10 mohms I would get to concerned. I got ERSE laminated I cores


Look at the difference in price also look at the power ratings

