Howdy pardners.
I've got a question for youse guys. I am trying to separate a couple 150 4Cs from the cabinets they've lived in for a long long time without damaging the cork(?) gasket-looking things that lie between the speaker and the cabinet.
They've been there since Eisenhowers presidency and they're really not ready to part from their comfort zones without totally destroying the ties that have held them together for so long.

But yeah. I think it's just the cork that's sticking, but I really want to keep it in tact. And on one of the cabs, the cork has cracked at the mounting screws.
But is there a way to separate this things without tearing stuff up?

See the crack?

And why can't I see it on this side? I would rather work on this side if I need pry these things apart. And how much force is too much?

And advice would be appreciated.
And please understand that I am not an idiot. I'm just really cautious, that's all. And I know that I would be an idiot if I didn't ask.

Thank youse very much.