I discovered this site after I began researching the possibilities of building a pair of the L100s by buying individual parts as I find them and building the cabinet on my own. I was also planning on updating the original crossover wither newer caps and the like, as well as trying out oneor two of the new improved crossovers for the L100. ANyway, after reading through numerous posts on this site, I have noticed several comments along the lines of, 'Why bother with a DIY L100 when you can simply buy a complete set for less money than you would spend building a pair piece by piece.' With that comment in mind, I'm hoping that some of you will share recommendations for "better" JBL speakers for a project of this nature.

Here are some parameters:
I would like to keep this project at a low to moderate pricepoint ~ $500 or less for parts, not including the materials for building the cabinet.

I listen mostly to various styles of rock and jazz with the occasional foray into classical music.

I (read "The Wife") do not want gigantic speakers.

The speaker and its parts certainly don't need to be as omnipresent as the L100, but I would like to locate the necessary parts in a few months (or less) rather than a year or two.

By the way, I have been a member of the JBL club since 1983 when I purchased a pair of J325 speakers that are with me to this day. I look forward to something better.
