I have searched the forum and can't seem to find the information that I am looking for. I have two 2245's not in use and am considering building a pair of subs. I would like to base them on the August 1983 article in Audio Magazine, by Lorr Kramer and Greg Timbers. More specifically I am interested in the 12 cubic foot version with outside diminsions of 44" X 29" X 21" (using 3/4" mdf). My intent is to use 1" material instead of the 3/4". In the article, their project was constructed as a "lo boy" design. I would like to build an upright version. Has anyone built these and if so, what are your opinions, what kind of amplifiers have been used on them? Any thoughts, suggestions or advice would be appreciated. Any pitfalls to consider when using two subs instead of one ?
