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View Full Version : Harmonic distortion, or a sign of things to come?

04-18-2011, 07:10 PM
I was listening to Muse - Resistance in mp3 today and noticed quite a bit of distortion towards the end of the song coming from the right speaker, a static sound. I switched the channels around and couldn't get it to do it. Switched back and it was doing it again. It definately seemed to be coming from the mid-range, but then right at the end the tweeter buzzed a little too. It's an unusual recording with alot of deep resonating tones (hard to describe). I don't hear any distortion from other recordings I'm listening to. all the drivers are tight to the baffle. I can't hear any real offensive sounds coming from ear to cabinet, but sometimes can hear/feel bad vibes. I did have a woofer issue a while back that you guys helped me with where the spyder came unglued, fixed that, it doesn't sound like the woofer. I wonder if that event could have damaged any of the other drivers?

The mid-range is a hard driver to hear next to the tweeter, but imaging is still really good. Is it possible it's just the song, or more likely a sign of trouble to come?

Upgraded L100T/T3

04-18-2011, 08:49 PM
I think I jumped the gun posting. I investigated the cabinet and found a loose mid-range connection. static = loose connection. :banghead:

Admin, you can delete this post. Thanks.