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View Full Version : Tech Sheet Links for Consumer are Gone.

03-13-2011, 10:41 PM
Hi all

Has any else found that the Tech Sheet Links for Consumer are gone. :blink:

Even links to them say for a L26 x-over in an old post yeld no results.

There gone from JBL'S site as well, Looks like theve Dumped the whole lot. :eek:

Can any-one explain or better yet, Get them back.

There was a massive resource available there. Hope its just me :dont-know:

Cheers wayne

03-14-2011, 02:24 AM
Same in NZ, probably just a server clean up....

03-14-2011, 08:08 AM
Posted from another thread,
It looks like they just changed the path to the files yet again ...

http://www.jbl.com/resources/Brands/jbl/Products/ProductRelatedDocuments/en-US/technicalsheet/ (http://www.jbl.com/resources/Brands/jbl/Products/ProductRelatedDocuments/en-US/technicalsheet/l46%20sigma%20ts.pdf)

Looks like they changed the directory structure, and it also doesn't look like Google has indexed it yet. After a little cyber-sleuthing, here's what I came up with:

"http://www.jbl.com/resources/Brands/jbl/Products/ProductRelatedDocuments/en-US/technicalsheet/ (http://www.jbl.com/resources/Brands/jbl/Products/ProductRelatedDocuments/en-US/technicalsheet/)"

Follow that URL with the same naming convention previously used, and you eventually get there. So, for example, if I want the tech sheet for my L46's, I'd look at our reference here on the board and find out what the file used to be called. In this example, it's: l46 sigma ts.pdf

If you add the file name to the end of the URL above, then voila:

http://www.jbl.com/resources/Brands/jbl/Products/ProductRelatedDocuments/en-US/technicalsheet/l46 sigma ts.pdf (http://www.jbl.com/resources/Brands/jbl/Products/ProductRelatedDocuments/en-US/technicalsheet/l46%20sigma%20ts.pdf)

Hope that helps.

So - the OLD link for the L26 was

and that is definitely dead right now ...

It DOES seem to work fine with the revised link format to here:


03-14-2011, 08:28 AM
This website has the entire library on CD so losing them isn't ever going to happen.

The old links are still there, merely renamed to prevent access.

03-14-2011, 09:54 AM
This website has the entire library on CD so losing them isn't ever going to happen.

The old links are still there, merely renamed to prevent access.

Nice to know the old data won't get lost like in the old days.

Regards, Ron