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View Full Version : 2214H tuning needed asap

05-13-2004, 02:34 PM
I am stuffing a 2214H into a 1.87 or 1.7 ft3 box for a quick graduation present this weekend.

And of course it has to be glued up tonight...

Could anybody tell me the correct port length for the above volumes if the single port I.D. is 3" ( simple PVC )



05-13-2004, 03:03 PM
How about 7.69" for the 1.7 cu ft box and 6.72" for the 1.87 cu ft box? That's slightly lower than the 4425's 34 Hz.

05-13-2004, 03:11 PM
Thanks! Now it's off to the woodshop.
This will be a frankenstein:

4412 network

but it will smoke the little ( insert the infamous "B" word here ) speakers he was forced upon by unwitting persons ( read: parents ) at the high school graduation 4 years ago...

and will be "accidently" left behind in the dorm.....


03-10-2009, 07:30 AM
Hey Guys!

How about a box that is 3 ft3?
What size port tube?


03-10-2009, 08:47 AM
3ft3 box, 2214H:

4.0" dia port?, 7-7.5" long... trim to taste
3.0" dia port?, 3-3.6" long... "

This is using publicly posted T/S driver parameters
and WinISD, and my opinion of what looked reasonable
given the imposed constraints.

actual results may vary...