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View Full Version : Question: buy HT Series center?

03-30-2004, 10:13 PM
I bought a pair of JBL SVA1500's at a pawn shop for $300 (US equivalent, HT4H, is $1200 a pair) and except for their lack of bass, I like them for the music I listen to (electronic music that wants accuracy and clairty above all else), and they are built for home theater.

However, I thought I could get a good deal on some Klipsch's, but that fell through, so I am looking to buy the center channel:


To have complete front three's. This would run me about $600. That is a hell of a lot of money for a center channel I will not use much.

However, I listen to a lot of music (WAY more than movies), and I feel these speakers will not be ideal for that.

I have been thinking of selling these speakers (never, ever seen them on eBay, don't know what they are worth) and putting that money towards a pair of Klipsch RF-35's.

I am really not sure what to do. Should I ditch these speakers and get some big floor standers for music (>95% of what I listen to), or should I keep these speakers?

>>>Maybe I sort of answered my own question - $600 is very close to the $950 I could get the RF-35's for - and if I can sell the HT4H's/SVA1500's for, lets say $500, that would be another $200 (well, $500, the money is gone, and a $500 sale would give me $500 for new speakers!) for new, bigger speakers. Am I on the right track? Will anyone every buy SVA1500's?

Also, my subwoofer amp is dead (Parts Express one), and I would like to buy a subwoofer that would do more (lower bass). I could always see if I could sell it and put the money towards an SVS or the like, but again, I am not sure. Like I said, I listen to a lot of electronic music, and deep bass is more important that great sound at 40 Hz.

Thanks! I don't have a ton of money, and I eventually want better speakers (front three), a subwoofer, and a new receiver. This would be almost $4,000, and that isn't happening yet.

The receiver can wait, as I am more concerned with bass responce right now, and I can scrounge the pawn shops and internet for a cheap HT amp, and find a old 5.1 preamp (I barely have room for 6.1 or 7.1, so I don't need something new), and be WAY ahead of the game.

I am confused. I hope someone can point me in the right direction.


-Buy HT4V center channel for $600, or put that money, and maybe the sale of the HT4V's towards the $1000 purchase price of large floor standers?

-Can I even get anyone to buy the SVA1500's?

-Sell my subwoofer (currently out of order as I have no amp) and live with the bass of 4, 8" woofers for the time being? Later, add a subwoofer that gives my the bass responce I want?

Thanks again!