View Full Version : S2600 stands?

04-28-2008, 09:58 AM
Is anyone aware if these speakers should be on any type of stand off the floor? Thanks

04-29-2008, 07:20 PM

Stands may be tricky? Contact the guys at Brass and Granite. They are very helpful and knowledgeable in this area. No affiliation other than I have used them in the past with excellent results.

I think the jury is out on the merrits of getting speakers off the floor as well as "de-coupling" them from the floor. On carpet, I prefer to use heavy cone spikes approx. 1.5" to 2" tall. I feel this does a lot to anchor them better and cut down on cabinet resonance. I plan to install spikes on the S3100's once I get them in their proper place. It is a bugger to move heavy speakers with spikes, obviously, so finding their long term place is a must before installation.

Hope this helps,


10-27-2020, 06:16 AM
what was solution to this query

Bernard Wolf
10-29-2020, 05:38 AM
There was no solution offered at the time. I would suggest you get the horn tweeter in line with your ears. You could also try various listening heights with pink noise to determine where they sound best. My 3100 which is floor standing leaves me sitting at the right level. Mind you, I have sat up and down by more than a few inches and not noticed a huge difference. It is very easy to experiment with placement. That being said,I would put them on stands.

Have fun!