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Thread: Artists/Groups you cant stand ?

  1. #211
    Super Moderator yggdrasil's Avatar
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    I have to agree with Widget.

    This topic is on the edge of abusing the forum rules, and some of the posts will have to cross the line:
    - You are not allowed to make personal attacks. Ad hominem attacks and name calling will not be tolerated.
    Johnny Haugen Sørgård

  2. #212
    Senior Member MikeBrewster77's Avatar
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    About those rules...

    Can ad hominem attacks be launched against non-forum members, or is that verboten as well? For example, can I call Whitney Houston a drug-addled, delusional, insane waste of talent, or is that contrary to the rules?

    While I didn't start this thread, I have contributed and thought it was going along quite nicely with people sharing what they dislike, but with respect for each other's opinions. Just a different angle on the what do you enjoy type of thread (translated, things I would never disgrace my JBL's with by playing through them.)

    - Mike

  3. #213
    Senior Member Ducatista47's Avatar
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    I am not arguing with our esteemed moderators, but I am with Mike. I might have missed it, but I have not seen anyone calling anyone else here names for thinking what they are posting. If saying an artist has no talent or should be ticketed for air pollution every time one of their CD's is played on the radio qualifies as an ad hominem attack, I should have been ejected early and often for referring to Madonna as a low talent musician.

    It is interesting that the ad hominem rule forbids denigrating a poster for saying an artist is bad or good. In other words, this thread has no more or less possibility (than a thread consisting of glowing approval) of slipping into rule breaking nastiness. Remaining civil equals respectfully disagreeing.

    Information is not Knowledge; Knowledge is not Wisdom
    Too many audiophiles listen with their eyes instead of their ears

  4. #214
    Senior Member MikeBrewster77's Avatar
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    Speaking of both Bose and Madonna, it all comes together now. Madonna is the Bose of entertainers - not particularly musical, but a helluva genius in the marketing department

    Quote Originally Posted by Ducatista47 View Post
    I should have been ejected early and often for referring to Madonna as a low talent musician.
    Quote Originally Posted by SEAWOLF97 View Post
    But the "Bose Impresses" thread is OKAY ??

  5. #215
    JBL 4645
    Madonna is played on JBL here I wouldn’t think of anything less than JBL

  6. #216
    Administrator Mr. Widget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeBrewster77 View Post
    Madonna is the Bose of entertainers - not particularly musical, but a helluva genius in the marketing department
    You would have to find a common definition for musical... very difficult like defining art. I believe in both cases intent is a component.

    Regardless while I am not a Madonna fan, I can appreciate her business acumen and her stellar sense of timing. I certainly agree that she offers a mass appeal music as Bose offers a well marketed mass appeal speaker, and Anheuser Busch offers Budweiser... I wonder how many Madonna fans listen to Bose sipping a Bud?

    All that said, I am not of the opinion that our current rules forbid denigrating an artist. I do think it is a bad idea though. I personally think it is far too easy to poke at pop stars... what's the point of it?


  7. #217
    Senior Member MikeBrewster77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Widget View Post
    I wonder how many Madonna fans listen to Bose sipping a Bud?
    If I were going to (likely unfairly) classify the entire demographic for both Bose and Madonna, I'd bet they're drinking white zinfandel from a box, but I could be way off base

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Widget View Post
    I personally think it is far too easy to poke at pop stars... what's the point of it?
    'Cause it's easy, and it's fun, and it makes for a good conversation. Just kidding - I think it's been an interesting dialogue, truthfully, and the comments haven't been solely directed towards what I would classify as "pure-fluff" pop stars; some fairly heavy hitting "serious" stars' music has been addressed as well.

    What's the point? For me, it's about understanding unique perspectives. As an example, I summarily trashed all of Talking Heads' music in this thread, and received two interesting, respectful counterpoints. I actually acted on them, checked out the songs referenced, and honestly, it did have an impact on my opinion. I could also make the case that while certainly no vocal champ - Madonna does have a select few pieces that are quite compelling. That point might open someone else's mind, and thus the circle continues.

    In short, I believe this kind of exchange can be enlightening if approached with an open mind.

    - Mike

  8. #218
    Administrator Mr. Widget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEAWOLF97 View Post
    I've read a number of posts here to the spirit of "I dont like so and so now, BUT there was a point in their careers when they were fine" ...

    Using those comments, I can re-evaluate artists/groups that have already been dismissed and now find their personal "golden era" ...sort of a resurrection project , as it is.....
    Using someone else's personal preferences for musical performance seems pretty lame to me.

    Case in point. Joni Mitchell

    You mentioned liking her first album and feeling she lost it after that. Personally I like her Jazz influenced music that she came out with sometime later. While I don't dislike her first album, it is rather simple compared to some of her later work... then again she like many musicians produced some pretty forgettable work during the '80s.

    I have a strong dislike for many guitar bands... I find layer upon layer of distorted guitar tracks played on top of power chords tedious and painful. I know there those here who love Metallica and AC/DC. I think they suck, but so what? If you like that stuff play on... I'd rather listen to Hugh Masekela or Imogen Heap, or Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band, or...

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeBrewster77 View Post
    I summarily trashed all of Talking Heads' music in this thread...
    I am not a huge Talking Heads fan, but I do respect their work and I would put Stop Making Sense down on a short list of great rock albums...


  9. #219
    Senior Member MikeBrewster77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Widget View Post
    Using someone else's personal preferences for musical performance seems pretty lame to me.
    Really??? Huh...

    I don't let someone else's preferences define mine, but I may use them to re-evaluate something I've previously dismissed.

    Case in point: since Joni seems to be a hot topic, she was the other artist I mentioned as "not being able to stand." Admittedly, my frame of reference is limited since I pretty much wrote her off based on two albums, both of which I believe were from the 80's. One had dogs or wolves or something else on the cover, and to me it was the most insufferable piece of crap ever pressed to vinyl. But, if that was her "weak" period, I'm open to that possibility, and now will likely check out some of her other work from different eras. Does that mean I'm taking your personal preference in lieu of mine? Nope - I may still wind up hating her . But, the effort will minimally broaden my horizons.

    Music is an industry, and a substantial portion of what we ultimately hear is the result of a tremendous marketing effort. I figure we're already influenced at some level, so why not at least broaden the range of inputs?

  10. #220
    Administrator Mr. Widget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEAWOLF97 View Post
    Many people write about personal preferences for musical performance for a living ...they are called REVIEWERS ...I dont always agree with them, but if one says "The album in question completely sux, dont waste your bux" .....I'll pass it up ..doesnt seem lame to me. This is a public forum and we all pretty much think for ourselves and use someone else's personal preferences as a guide ONLY.

    and this forum uses others personal prefs for gear/speakers constantly ...lots of "What do you think about this or that speaker/amp/deal/ad ??? " threads
    The deal with reviewers and even some regular posters is that you can get a sense of their perspective... if you find one who you frequently agree with, then maybe their opinion backed up with their reasoning will be relevant to you, but for someone to simply post the L100s suck, the Paragon is the best speaker ever, or I think Metallica sucks... that just isn't particularly useful.

    Obviously there are a number of folks on this thread that are enjoying venting... I much prefer the threads where people say check out so and so... through the magic of you-tube and other sites, you can get a quick taste and see if the album is for you.


  11. #221
    Senior Member Ducatista47's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Widget View Post
    All that said, I am not of the opinion that our current rules forbid denigrating an artist. I do think it is a bad idea though. I personally think it is far too easy to poke at pop stars... what's the point of it?
    As pretty much a non musician, I would never be mistaken for someone talented enough to hold opinions worth reading on that question. I do, however, know someone who is. One of the most talented musicians I ever met, Kevin Hart, has said this on the "Music Q & A" page of his web site.

    What do you think of “pop” music these days?

    Boy, I just don’t know. Pop artists seem to get a ton of attention for doing things like going on a major network show like Saturday Night Live to lip sync a simple tune, …..and screwing that up! I’m just baffled by what is considered "talent" often featured on commercial television or radio. I’ll watch late-night talk shows, and when it gets to the musical guests, I usually have to either change channels, or just shut it off. I just can’t believe that this lack of talent is really what people desire. Then to top it all off, the host walks over and says "great job, that was awesome." Meanwhile I'm screaming to the TV, "don't encourage that!!!" On the other hand, some of my favorite modern jazz artists are going the complete other direction and putting out some very ambitious, complex, and interesting work. Of course I NEVER see or hear talent of this level on the major networks, but thanks to NPR and PBS, these folks get some deserving recognition from time to time.

    Bold emphasis mine. This response does not strike me as the least bit elitist, but rather hardheadedly practical and more objective than subjective. To what extent music stimulates brain activity, for instance, is measurable. Did you know that sitting and doing absolutely nothing elicits more brain activity than watching entertainment television? Entertainment television (ET ) actually shuts down higher brain functions to a large extent. Hulu is right! Well, guess what. Music works the same way. It can shut you down or stimulate the growth of new brain cells.

    While listening to music is for many a frivolous activity, it has always been known that hearing music can have much deeper effects than entertainment. Some musicians have even based their work on the belief that, if done right, music can encourage the best in us as individuals and as a society. If there ends up being a shred of truth to any of that, then exposure to music with more in it than the usual pop fare would indeed be a very weighty matter and worth encouraging. Music that only makes us forget what is going on around us has its place, but music that reminds us of what we could be instead of reinforcing what we already are could actually be important. In fact, it is important by definition alone. (Why do I just know that someone here is going to point out Charles Manson listening to "Helter Skelter.")

    All this would matter because life is short and when we listen to something it takes the time away from listening to something else. In that sense quality always matters. I personally find music that expands my experiences and the emotional content of my life, and challenges me, a much better way to spend my time, but that is me.

    Look at this, from Peter:


    PS The good news about all this is that having a great stereo is a concept you can actually take to the bank. Tell your local loan officer, your significant other, your skeptical relatives and neighbors why it matters. Just don't tell the banker about Manson.

    Information is not Knowledge; Knowledge is not Wisdom
    Too many audiophiles listen with their eyes instead of their ears

  12. #222
    16hz lover

    Any Rap performer(oh that's right, there's nothing artistic or musical about them)

    Credence Clearwater Revival ( epitome of Redneck Southern Rock, like Jeff Foxworthys description of a redneck, "a total lack of sophistication")

    That's all for now.

  13. #223
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    OK, I've been perusing the forums for some time now, and just had to chime in on this one. I just resurrected my fathers old stereo gear, (a HK 730, and a set of L26's, which I've been working on), and have gotten some good info from your forums, thanks! Yes I realize that it's a dead thread by now, but I had to clear something up.

    While I agree with a lot of you on here, and agree that 99% of rap music is terrible, not ALL of it is terrible and some of it you may actually enjoy. If you haven't heard of "The Roots" I suggest you give them a listen. Before you blow me off, keep in mind they play with a full band, and have a phenomenal drummer, ?uestlove, (yeah, I know.)
    If you've got Napster or Rhapsody, just look them up and go for their live album. Also, not sure If I can post direct links on here? Therootslive dot com you can find some good stuff.

    Also, on the country front, check out "John Doe and the Sadies", an album called "Country Club." It was sounding great on my L26's until the outer foam gave way. I've been really diggin' this album lately, and it might just remind you that there is such a thing as good country music too. I know it did for me.
    Anyway, thanks for the forum!

  14. #224
    Moderator hjames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venkman View Post
    OK, I've been perusing the forums for some time now, and just had to chime in on this one.

    Also, on the country front, check out "John Doe and the Sadies", an album called "Country Club." It was sounding great on my L26's until the outer foam gave way. I've been really diggin' this album lately, and it might just remind you that there is such a thing as good country music too. I know it did for me.
    Anyway, thanks for the forum!
    Okay, dig up some of John Doe's older stuff with X -
    that cat's been kicking it well for years!
    Also, go to the NPR site and listen to Fresh Air with Terri Gross -
    Look for John Doe and the Sadies (well, 2 of them …)

    You can listen to it in their archives at
    2ch: WiiM Pro; Topping E30 II DAC; Oppo, Acurus RL-11, Acurus A200, JBL Dynamics Project - Offline: L212-TwinStack, VonSchweikert VR-4
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  15. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by hjames View Post
    Okay, dig up some of John Doe's older stuff with X -
    that cat's been kicking it well for years!
    Also, go to the NPR site and listen to Fresh Air with Terri Gross -
    Look for John Doe and the Sadies (well, 2 of them …)

    You can listen to it in their archives at

    Ha-ha, thanks for the link never actually been to their webpage. Fresh Air is actually where I first heard the album, I live in Wyoming and travel for work frequently. NPR is my best friend on the road!
    Funny, John Doe went from punk to country. He's got quite the portfolio. what a great voice.

    Also, since the thread is groups you can't stand, put me down for Jethro Tull. I just can't take that rock flute anymore.

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