Thought you guys might find it interesting, I got a Kenrick Sound modded JBL/Urei 5235.
Not sure if it's the standard work the guys carry but this one seems to have been done this year.

As you can see, lots of $ gone into the unit: recapped, PSU caps uprated to 2x 4700uF, Cree schottky diodes, custom transformer, Amtrans resistors, TKD attentuators, modded to SE, custom KRS frequency cards.
What left me puzzled though, is the use of NE5532 instead of something boutique or even discrete in a DIP socket. The Signetics 5532N is regarded as the best 5532 ever made by some folks but it's still 'just' a 5532.

Haven't used it yet so just enjoy the pictures for now but I suspect it will be replaced soon by an XVR-1 or something similar, thought don't understand why the 4350 has different high/lowpass frequencies, assuming 5235 accounts for that?

Kinda tempting to try different op-amps but considering the unit sits between the pre and power amps, oscillation might fry the speakers or the amps...or both.