I have created this new thread after reading posts from two recent threads where the off topic conversation wandered into a discussion of "flat frequency response" vs. "Room Curves" (personally derived curves that deviate from the theoretical ideal to suite one's needs or desires). What follows are copies of posts from those threads... since the copies are posted in chronological order, there is a bit of a sequence shift from the merged posts, but I hope it will still make sense.


Quote Originally Posted by Robh3606
Hello Ken

How much EQ do you use on them???

Hi Rob, nice to hear from you.

I have only had them setup in 2 rooms to date. After analyzing the room from several positions using the gains on the 4-way crossover to get the system as flat as possible, I then put the BSS 960 into the chain and did the final adjustments. I have always found the need for fairly radical (+- 6/10 db) of adjustment in some lower freq due to room anomalies.

Don't get me wrong, it sounds great after eq'ing but this little experiment proves the point that every active piece of equipment is in effect another preamp with its own set of characteristics/anomalies.

In short it seems to reinforce the straight wire theory.
