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Thread: Just an idea to conserve hosting space

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Just an idea to conserve hosting space

    "Chat?" As in dedicated category. (??)

    Also- give all the religious/political comments the boot. That's bound to flame somebody. Lord knows I've already pi$$ed off somebody. Perhaps we should just stop while we can?? Oh, who am I kidding(?)- we can't stop!

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by hapy._.face
    "Chat?" As in dedicated category. (??)

    Give all the religion/political comments the boot. That's bound to flame somebody.
    Quote Originally Posted by hapy._.face
    The chief offender knows- I got a choice PM after slamming pres Bush.
    Yes, I ran a spell check first!

  3. #3
    RIP 2011 Zilch's Avatar
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    Speaking of space, I find it irritating that some members find it somehow essential to hit the "Quote" button and repeat the sometimes huge content of a previous post without purpose.

    While it's often important to establish the context of a response, I try to edit it down to the crux what I'm responding to, within the "Quote" commands. It's unnecessary to force readers to scroll through the whole deal they just read again.

    [Helps me feel less guilty about my own wordiness, too.... ]

  4. #4
    Administrator Robh3606's Avatar
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    Yeah I could live without all that BS. I will go one better and say keep the idle chatter about your own personal vision to save the world to PM's and try to stick to things audio.


  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    In re post#3:agreed. Let's go step further: shorthand

  6. #6
    Administrator Robh3606's Avatar
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    "Let's go step further: shorthand"

    Do you think that's too far??? I don't. The only times I have had to come into a thread as a Moderator is when someone down right flames a guy, there is trouble brewing or it's a cat fight. Most of these have been covering topics that are best left outside this forum. As far as I am concerned nothing about race, religion or politics has any business on a audio hobbiest site. Yeah I know Im a fricking closed mind AXXXLE but hey, that's who I am. If I wan't that crap I can pick up a paper. I don't come here for that.


  7. #7
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    If anything- I'm here to get AWAY from the dying earth. Isn't that why we turn on the hifi ?? I just want some good ol' dysfunctional escapism. I've learned a great deal of information in a short period of time- I'd like to stay on track with that. When some one posts a news bulletin- I can't refuse comment. It's kind of a distraction- though sometimes - it can be fun (when good taste and humor is exercised). 2 edge sword, ya know...

  8. #8
    Administrator Robh3606's Avatar
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    "I can't refuse comment. It's kind of a distraction- though sometimes - it can be fun (when good taste and humor is exercised). 2 edge sword, ya know..."

    Your right it can be fun. Sometimes some of the most fun can be really getting into it with your friends. But that's face to face not this emotionless and blind media we use to exchange these thoughts. I have lots of time invested in this forum. I like the way it's a fun place to be and you can be at ease cause the guys are hear to talk speakers. I see what goes on at other sites. Some are awful, they are a wasteland compared to what we have here. I want to keep it that way. I don't want to see this site become just another 10,000 member site where we lost why we came here in the first place.


  9. #9
    Senior Member JuniorJBL's Avatar
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    Just how much space are we using?
    Always fun learning more.......

  10. #10
    Administrator Mr. Widget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuniorJBL
    Just how much space are we using?
    That's a question for John Nebel... he very generously hosts our site and keeps the information flowing. Since his stewardship began we have had no issues of space and relatively few problems...

    Personally I am one of the biggest Off Topic offenders... sorry, but I can't stop myself.

    FWIW: the political spew that I sometimes spread is the abridged version... thank (pick your deity or lack there of) for that.


  11. #11
    Alex Lancaster
    I would say, in the LH forums: NO politics, NO religion, NO sports, NO race, NO other language except for accetaple English, there are other forums for that.

  12. #12
    Senior Member Ducatista47's Avatar
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    Live vs Dead Sites

    This discussion has the fortunate circumstance of success to frame it. We have all seen sites from active to dead, and the key is like the Three Bear's soup. Not too many, not too few, just right. A flood of unrelated interest seems to be the current concern, but beware the opposite pole, no posts.

    What makes this forum so lively, along with the other factors, is the balanced level of input. A strong plus is many topics to keep the input from grinding to a halt when threads go dormant. Perhaps we should bear that in mind when dreaming of a wire and cone only model. The dreadfull other pole, running wild with ten thousand sociopathic "ignorami," must be avoided.

    What needs balancing is not only the level of discourse, but also the fun factor. All fun equals active hell and no topic; no fun equals very, very few posts. As in: "I can't remember what gauge wire to use for a Q=2 290hz xover. Now what was the url of that - what was it called- AltecHistory dot net - or was it org - site?" Please remember, no posting equals no input. Member knowledge prodded by member questions (and member musings!) creates the knowledge base.

    Don't ask me where the slippery slope lies or how slippery it is - that would be an opinion!

    Clark in Peoria.

    PS Original Topic. How much hosting space is required for a bouncing happy face vs paragraphs of alphanumeric? Asking, I do not know.
    Information is not Knowledge; Knowledge is not Wisdom
    Too many audiophiles listen with their eyes instead of their ears

  13. #13
    Senior Member
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    Thumbs up Good observation

    Clark, your response shows a lot of reflection on the issue. It's not as direct as the "no..., no..., no...," responses in this thread but it more accurately portrays the kind of reality that we live in rather than a black-and-white, right-or-wrong dualism.

    In the course of any normal conversation, side issues routinely come up. It's the nature of discussion. I can't imagine any among us is a masterful enough conversationalist that we don't get off topic or sidetracked.

    One way to reduce disaffection with off topic material is for members who don't like it to stay out of the Off Topic area. It's a potential free-for-all in there by design (I think), and an acknowledgement of reality.

    If John or Don feel that space is being wasted by too much junk, they'll take care of it one way or another. Rather than use the straw man of limited space to limit expression, I take the opposite tack: donate to the site to help keep it wide-ranging, open and free.

  14. #14
    Senior Member
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    Beautifully said (as usual). After some deeper thinking, I agree with you. I guess I didn't address my bigger concern well enough; I have a hard time sorting through these threads to get the information I need. I just figured if we could eliminate some of the clutter (politics/religion seemed like an obvious choice) the threads would become somewhat easier to navigate. It took me (a newbie, mind you) nearly a full hour to get the specific info on a 3107 crossover I needed.

    This forum rocks, simply put. Even if I could, I wouldn't want to change much- if anything. You guys are right- the dynamic aspects keep it lively and engaging. Great points. At least the information is available, and I should learn to accept the pros and cons of it all. Thanks.

  15. #15
    Well stated insight Clark and Dome, thank you. Although we all may have come here for different reasons, we all stay here for one same reason, because of something that is really important to us, audio, specifically JBL. I dare say that it is not simply JBL but most importantly, the musical experience of our JBL's and how that experience transcends every aspect of our emotional, psychological and spiritual essence in a manner attained by nothing less than a live performance. This is a magical experience that always gives exactly what is needed, laughter, joy, gratitude, contentment, appreciation, amazement, relaxation, excitement, distraction, sadness, enthusiasm and healing, all in the comfort and security of home. This is the experience that allows the tears to run down my face as a violin cries from across the room begging to be heard, or one that cracks a smile from ear to ear as a bass sax rips through the medly of a fine jazz rift like a lightning bolt torn from a stormy sky. This is the experience that rips my heart to shreds, that reveals to me every aspect of who I am and then offers me the opportunity to put it all back together renewed. These are important things. Sharing those things are why we are here. If JBL's didn't give us our "fix," none of us would have them!These feelings are no less important than the other things in our lives, religion, politics, beliefs, aspirations or experiences and no more separable from our beings. They are all entwined within us, as we are entwined with one another. There is no near, without far...

    Off Topic
    Discussions unrelated to Lansing Heritage or Lansing products

    Is there such a thing for any of us?
    Last edited by norealtalent; 02-11-2006 at 10:57 AM. Reason: usual

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