Here's the scoop in detail. Starting September 1, I started getting hundreds of the following error message each day:

Database error in vBulletin :
Link-ID == false, connect failed

mysql error: User audioheritage@localhost has already more than 'max_user_connections' active connections

mysql error number: 1203

Date: Wednesday 03rd of September 2003 05:48:12 PM

Script: /vbulletin/attachment.php?s=&postid=5235


Last night, Daniel B found that this error was generated when he tried to access the "Baffle layout" thread that contained over 100 attachments. At the time, there were only 7 people online. This allowed me to identify the problem. The post ID (5235) in the error message corresponded with this same thread. The fact that the script generating the error was "attachment.php” confirmed that it was an attachment issue. The low number of people online at the time of the error ruled out a user problem. This morning, I was able to confirm with Vbulletin that each attachment opens up new database connection.

The problem is only an issue where every post in a thread contains an attachment. The default setup is set to display 15 posts per thread. If one person views a thread that has an attachment in every post, there are 15 database connections opened up. Following the math, 3 people viewing such a thread would take up the same resources as 45 people viewing a thread without attachments.

Therefore, I would ask that the forum not be used to post multipage documents. If you see a need for this, please contact me in advance, and I will attempt to get such documents published in our library instead. This alternative does not create any database issues.

I have to admit that for a long time, I have been slow to add material to our library. Unfortunately, competing priorities had placed that on the back burner. However, given the problems created by using our forum as a document archive means that I will have to change priorities. I will endeavor to get archive materials up in short order. To this end, the attachments that were in the two removed threads will be up on the library later this evening. Over the past week, I have also readied a few hundred pages of backlogged scans that should also be up within 24hrs. Hopefully, removing this backlog will enable me to respond in a more timely fashion.

In conclusion, it is not my intention to dissuade people from using attachments. One off pages, graphs and pictures are a welcome additions to our forum. Just keep them within reason. As an initial guideline, try to ensure that no thread contains more than 33% attachments, and no more than 4 posts with attachments in a row. I’ll monitor this to see if further adjustments are required.