Thanks in advance. Installation of a home theatre has me looking to restore my old speakers and add a center chanel. I THINK I should get another 2405 and K110 for the center chanel, as that is what my main speakers use for mid and hi. (I bi Amp with 2225's for bass) Further, I feel I should have three matching crossovers, as the ones I have are very old and well used. There are several ways to go, and I have found the 3105 to be the right crossover for my 2405's, but have discovered that they are meant to work with a 16 ohm 2440 as the mid.

Well, I wonder if the 3105's would work ok with my K110, as I dont want to hunt down 2440s. To further complicate things, my K110's are 8 ohm, so I would have to put them is series with a resistor.

I hope it will work well, but I could always buy a bunch of inductors and caps, and build simple crossovers. (Design advice gladly accepted)

Back in '80 the speakers were 2405, k110, LE15A, with passive crossovers designed by my electrical engineer neighbor. I was a teenager, and darn glad to have them. They sounded good, and rocked!

Thanks All,
