Howdy! I am new here and this is my first post.
I am tempted to buy either a JBL L 65 or a JBL 4425.
I know, there are substernal differences (Pro vs consumer, Horn vs no-horn, 2way vs 3way).
However, I can't listen to both of them as they are both rare as hell in my country.
I am drawn towards the l 65 because of the nice look and the 077 tweeter, but I also read,
that the l65 has a shrill, tonal unbalanced sound and that the 4425 is a very fine speaker BUT
can be tiring when listening over long periods. I use a 7591 tube amp or a UREI 6260 amp.

I am a casual listener, however I like a some good imaging and sound stage and I don't like
shrill horn speakers - although, I've heard, that the 4425 sounds very pleasant with some amps.
I know, there is no general advice but since this forum here is the ultimate knowledge base, I thought i
give it a try. Right now, I listen on my 4311, and I like the sound, but I feel I need more

Any advice is appreciated!
Thank you