absolutely new here, so thanks for any info you can give me. I would say that I am no an audiophile, but more like a middle of the road guy. I like good sound, but I am not buying $300 wires, if that will tell you where I am coming from. My experience with JBL is as follows: 1. when I was 16, I bought some 4311b's from a store just on a whim (they were going out of business and I got them for under 400$ for the pair). I have used them to this day and I have been pleased with them. 2: When my father in law packed up all his stuff and went to Chili for a job, he gave us some speakers to hold for my wife's brother. I hooked them up and fell in love with them, but had to turn them over when her brother came through town. They were C50 Olympus speakers. Her brother was telling me that their dad "built" them in the 60s and that he had plans for the cabinets, original from JBL. I have no idea where he got them, but if you knew this guy, it would not suprise you. He gets all kinds of info that nobody is supposed to have....I am sure you guys know similar people. Well, I emailed tonight and he still has the plans and is mailing them up in a few days. He confirmed that he built the speakers.

So my questions: I am thinking of building or have the speaker cabinets built. I have a sizable sitting room that has no sound and I like the "furniture" aspect of the larger speakers. Are there drivers and crossovers still available for the same model? I would think substituting modern equipment would be best..and if so what do you guys suggest? I will probably be using some serious watts (I would guess in the 200W per side range) to run them and that would speak more for the modern substitutes. Of course, I will happily post the plans when they arrive. Thanks again for any info.
