Howdy elders,

I checked out a couple Altec 417-8H's I acquired awhile back in prep to send them to Great Plains for reconing to B/C specs when I was suprised to find one of the cones has the code: 21030 7 in white ink. The other is a proper 21320-2 (unrelated, I thought that one rubbed but now it sounds fine?). I have heard folks say the 1st 2 digits reveal manufacturer/client and thus the "21" being the same might indicate Altec. BUT the dustcap is brushed aluminum rather than shiny/polished. Worse, it has significantly less presence/treble response than the 21320-2 equipped 417, at least unmounted. The leads on the front of the cone seem sloppily done as well. Another strange thing, I believe BOTH speakers have input signal at the RED posts. Didnt Altecs have Black + just like JBL's back then? Are they both recones b/c of this? I saw an Altec on enay awhile back that had the same 210xx cone code the guy claimed was original...I was less convinced, especially since he was claiming original cone Jensens that clearly were not.

Anyone know about this 21030 7 cone code? The paper and surround look appropriate. I was thinking it may be designed for a LF application since mine has weak treble response.

Much obliged, Thomas