No, get your mind out of the gutter.

Today grumpy and I took another whack at the PT250s in anticipation of the upcoming Lansing Heritage Awards. He wanted to try the time alignment feature of the BSS FDS366T Omnidrive Compact plus units, and I wanted the red Limiter lights turned off, so he trekked all the way over to donate his time and talent and equipment to the effort, while I watched and grunted from time to time.

It's a lot of fun for him to get deeper into the software and hardware, and it's a lot of fun for me to watch and learn. I think he made some nice improvements today, and I'm eager to hear what you all think after hearing them.

As an added delight for the awards event, we discussed having the computer, a couple of monitors, the London Architect software, FuzzMeasure, and a mic set up for a little more in depth look at the process and results for all the nerds in the group. Plus, it would be extra cool if some of our JBL guests could provide some insight into ways to use the data, hardware, and software to make even more strides with the PT250 project.

Sounds like fun!!