Talking about power cables though, Cardas and many others have flitration built into the cables. Either with inductance, capacitance or both. If you are in an area of bad power line harmonics and noise, these cables may be of some benefit.
Talking about speaker cables, the best will be standard enameled copper wire at a particular wire spacing. This is of course not very practical. Teflon insulated cable is very low capacitance and rather expensive but extremely good spec wise. Uber cheap cables can adversely effect frequency response. Stock standard copper flex is very cheap and works extremely well. Bigger siaes for higher power.
Talking about Optical cables, a $5 cable from China will probably perform as good as a $500 cable from fantasy land. The expensive cable will probably perform better over 500m because it "may" be made of clearer glass but lets face it, most of our optical cables are only 1-2 m long. Same pretty much as HDMI.

All that said, there is a huge market for relieving cash from peoples walletts because they are a, poorly informed, or b, they dont care and only want to be able to say that the spent a grand on a cable and they can clearly hear the cromulent features of the cable the embiggens the musical soundstage.


Oh, as for the D66000 comment, Are they worth $60K? The people with $60K who would buy them would agree, playing a 35khz test tone most Labradors would agree they sound fantastic.