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Thread: JBL XPL200a, new owner

  1. #1
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    JBL XPL200a, new owner

    I thought I’d take a second to share my recent experience with everyone as I just purchased a set of super clean JBL XPL200A's from a fellow member here and I couldn't be happier with the speakers.

    Previously, the only other large 4 way JBL’s that I had heard were a set of L7’s in a showroom where I wasn’t very impressed (I’m guessing it was mostly due to the placement and the fact that speaker room was the size of a large closet). I’ve heard lots of other JBL's, but not the 4 ways. It’s also the first time I’d heard anything from the XPL series. I wanted to upgrade away from my current CF150 (which for a cheaper speaker held up very closely in side by side testing against L112, L100t, and S312, not quite as good but not as far away as you would guess).

    The sound from the XPL200’s is breathtaking. The upper mids and highs on these speakers are insanely good. Clear and fast, but not harsh. The 3” TI dome is not a marketing gimmick, it really works well. Everyone I’ve played the speakers for says the same thing.

    Honestly, I was a bit worried on whether the 12” woofer would provide enough low end, or if these would sound “boring” like so many of the new high end speakers on the market now. It’s safe to say that I’m not worried about that any longer. That woofer does a great job on the low end. Not muddy or distorted at any volume. They provide a low end punch that is tight and powerful. Definitely not “boring”.

    My last concern going into this purchase was how they would sound at moderate listening volume. These speakers just effortlessly project a wall of sound at any volume setting. The clarity and detail they provide at low to moderate volume levels is simply stunning.

    As you can tell, I’m pretty excited about these speakers. If you haven’t heard a set of large JBL 4-ways, you owe it to yourself to find a set and listen!


  2. #2
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    Congratulations, Brett. The XPL200A is a very fine speaker.

    I have a $360 pair which I saved from a pawn shop and restored several years back.

    Recently I was able to get the JBL DX-1 active crossover with the XPL200A cards in it. This made the XPLs even better. A DX-1 is a rarity, but keep an eye open and one day you might have a chance to grab one. It will make your pair even more amazing.


  3. #3
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    Ti Dome,

    Yep, I researched a whole lot of your threads and comments on this site before I made the purchase. The information was invaluable to me.

    As for biamping, maybe someday, but not for right now as its not in the budget. I'm sure you're right, but I just can't believe the difference is that much better with biamping (I suppose there's only one way to find out!). Might have to find an alternative to that DX1 as it looks like they are impossible to find though.


  4. #4
    Administrator Robh3606's Avatar
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    Hello Brett

    I ran mine with a JBL M552 until I managed to scrounge a DX-1. It sounded quite good even though the voltage drives were not correct. It still summed reasonably flat, that said the DX-1 was clearly a step up. Don't let not having a DX-1 stop you from trying it out.

    "I could be arguing in my spare time"

  5. #5
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    Congratulations on a fine speaker system. I have a pair as well and I doubt I will ever replace them with anything else. I have bi-amped mine using an Ashley crossover and the difference is amazing.

    Even though this is not the recommended crossover, I don't have much choice since the DX-1's are rare as hell and any at that auction site would quickly be bid up beyond my budget.

    I am using Yamaha amplifiers to power them, they love lots of clean power. The more the better.
    Biamped XPL-200A's on Yamaha M-2 and PC-2602M amplifiers.

  6. #6
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    which Ashley crossover were you using?

  7. #7
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    An XR-1001. One of the better pro units. Made in the U.S. until recently, I have one of the last American made units.
    Biamped XPL-200A's on Yamaha M-2 and PC-2602M amplifiers.

  8. #8
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    best money I've ever spent!

    It's a year and a half since I made the original post and I thought I'd update. These XPL200's continue to amaze me! Seriously the best $750 I've ever spent in my life on anythng.

    Everytime I play them (as I type this) i still can't believe how good they are. Without spending a lot of money (10K+), i haven't found anything that touches these.

    Man, I'ld love to hear some 1400 arrays, or Everest type stuff, but untill I can write that check, i'm happy as heck with these speakers!


  9. #9
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    Happiness is a big deal!

  10. #10
    Senior Member pathfindermwd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brett_s View Post
    It's a year and a half since I made the original post and I thought I'd update. These XPL200's continue to amaze me! Seriously the best $750 I've ever spent in my life on anythng.

    Everytime I play them (as I type this) i still can't believe how good they are. Without spending a lot of money (10K+), i haven't found anything that touches these.

    Man, I'ld love to hear some 1400 arrays, or Everest type stuff, but untill I can write that check, i'm happy as heck with these speakers!

    Hi Brett. Congrats on your not-too recent purchase. I've always wanted to hear or buy a pair of the XPL's. Just days after I bought my recent setup, a pair of XPL 200's were up for sale on ebay, and needless to say I was a little disappointed that I could not bring myself to get them.

    You had mentioned that you owned a pair of CF150's and L100T's and as an owner of both, and a fan of the L100t(3) I was curious how the XPL's compared the the L100T, and if you would be interested in writing to that effect.

    I would add that I ran the CF150's and the L100T(3)'s together sometimes for loudness and bass reinforcement, and they complimented eachother very well. The CF150's were not super pleasant to listen to though by themselves, a step or two down in fineness, IMO. But as you suggest, not worlds apart.

  11. #11
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    l100t compared to xpl200


    I'm not quite a wordsmith, but I'll try to give a quick comparison between the L100t and XPL200. It is just my oppinon, so if people don't agree, please don't jump on me!

    The L100T has a "punchier" sound, which I always found odd seeing that they both have the same woofer in them. The L tends to really bring the low end, more of a rock concert type sound. The mids on the L's are also quite good as vocals are reproduced quite well. The high end to me was decent, but a tad on the bright side. Kinda metallic to me. Not bad by any means, just subtle. The L's are great rock speakers which love to be turned up.

    The XPL's bring a more refinded bottom end, hard hitting, but a little more refinded. Not the same impact as a something such as a 240ti with its 14" woofer, but a very tight bass note. The low mids are nice and soft sounding, very warm. It's the upper mid and high where these speakers seperate themselves out. Velvety is the best way I can describe them, yet still "quick". It's odd to describe unless you can hear.

    Overall the XPL's broadcast an immense wall of sound that just sucks you in. It's one of those speakers that as you listen to them, you don't realize how loud listenting level is......untill the rest of the family lets you know. Somehow the 4 way design just works together in a spectacular fashion.


  12. #12
    Senior Member gferrell's Avatar
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    Congrats, wish I would love to run across a pair. Something about them just looks like they would sound great. Pictures would be nice.
    XPL 200's w DX1, XPL 160's, XPL 140's, L7's, L5's, L3's, L1's Homemade L Center, 4412's, 4406, L60T's, L20T's

  13. #13
    Senior Member pathfindermwd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brett_s View Post

    I'm not quite a wordsmith, but I'll try to give a quick comparison between the L100t and XPL200. It is just my oppinon, so if people don't agree, please don't jump on me!

    The L100T has a "punchier" sound, which I always found odd seeing that they both have the same woofer in them. The L tends to really bring the low end, more of a rock concert type sound. The mids on the L's are also quite good as vocals are reproduced quite well. The high end to me was decent, but a tad on the bright side. Kinda metallic to me. Not bad by any means, just subtle. The L's are great rock speakers which love to be turned up.

    The XPL's bring a more refinded bottom end, hard hitting, but a little more refinded. Not the same impact as a something such as a 240ti with its 14" woofer, but a very tight bass note. The low mids are nice and soft sounding, very warm. It's the upper mid and high where these speakers seperate themselves out. Velvety is the best way I can describe them, yet still "quick". It's odd to describe unless you can hear.

    Overall the XPL's broadcast an immense wall of sound that just sucks you in. It's one of those speakers that as you listen to them, you don't realize how loud listenting level is......untill the rest of the family lets you know. Somehow the 4 way design just works together in a spectacular fashion.

    Hi Brett,

    I would imagine that the velvety sound is all about that titanium midrange. I find the JBL four ways I've heard to be very well balanced and deceptive in their loudness, very smooth, so that sounds right too.

    My L100T's have had the upgraded T3 crossover for some time. Most people tend to think that the L100T is bright, and the T3 improves upon this quite a bit, but it can still be a bit much at times. I added L-pads to a set of mine and my experience suggests that it is the midrange that is to blame for the brightness, not the tweeter that sometimes get a bad rap for it, I turn it down sometimes. The T3 crossover balances the speaker out nicely and I would give it a try if you get the opportunity.

    I like that the XPL used the 2214 same as the L100T. I really like that woofer!

    Thanks for the comparison!

  14. #14
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    The 2214H in the XPL200A takes on a new, beastly character when bi-amped with a properly configured DX-1. I truly thought it was a bit of a dog until I did this.

  15. #15
    Senior Member pathfindermwd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titanium Dome View Post
    The 2214H in the XPL200A takes on a new, beastly character when bi-amped with a properly configured DX-1. I truly thought it was a bit of a dog until I did this.

    Hmmmmm, I don't know. The poster said that the bass in the L100T was punchier, and that sounds dead on to me (that it's punchy). I had Duanage Bi-amp the crossover and got to try it once for about 10 minutes with some high powered amps, didn't hear any difference.

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