I have a pair of " Bookshelf " Speakers I made using JBL components .
LE85 Mid / High , [ Potato Masher Lens ; will accept gift of Slant - Plate
Lens , ] LE14 Woofer with LX7 crossover . Just saved - up the $ 600
to replace the two blown LE85 diapragms . Woofers just re - foamed .

If I were to add a JBL Slot Radiator to the " mix " , what sort of a
" High - Pass " would I need ? Just a Cap , or a coil also ? I am 75 , so
if it is a little brighter , skipping any Resistor would probably be Okay .

The diagram of the original LX7 is on this site . However , Mr. Greg Timbers sent me a complete set of parts to build a new pair , FREE , with a pair of GIGANTIC Air Coils ! His " new " LX7 is " modern " , and perhaps differs slightly from the original . If you need that info , I can send you a
picture of that diagram .

Just missed a pair of Slot Radiators on Ebay ; ( but , perhaps , they had been " stressed " !!?? )


610 - 793 - 1129