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Thread: Jbl Everest Dd66000

  1. #1
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    Jbl Everest Dd66000

    Just wanted to let you all know that I picked up a magazine and discovered a little detailed write up on the Everest DD66000 in HI-FI Choice. The forthcoming issue will have a review on them, Should be interesting.

    I would also like other opinions on what people think about the Everest DD 66000 compared to other high end speakers which will remain nameless. Why I ask this is because I feel the Everests are IMO the best loudspeaker on the planet and I would like to thank Greg for all his work he put into them.

  2. #2
    Senior Member JBLAddict's Avatar
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    surprised you haven't had any replies on this in three days, however, there is a very small contingent who've had the fortune/luck to hear these.

    although I have very little experience trying out the high end gear, I did have again, the fortune, to spend a solid 1/2 day with the E2, K299.., 4338, S4800 TS8000, Wilson Puppy, and few others in the Tokyo area (Akihabara) about six months ago.

    The E2 experience still haunts me. There was a presence of pure music that just cannot be put down in words. The Wilson's were $27K IIRC and there was absolutely NO comparison to the E2. Maybe it was the room and 100K in Dartzeel pre/amps + Luxman SACD player, but I doubt it's anything less than the speaker itself. It was one of those very rare moments of total euphoria that I just could not pull myself away from. Unlike yourself, my time with them was finite, and knowing once I left, I would likely never hear them again, made it that much more difficult to depart.

    Before that day, it seemed simply illogical to consider spending $65K on a pair of speakers, but I now understand how, if you have the money, the choice would be more than easy. Only problem is that if I somehow could own them, I better have enough money to allow me to never work again, as I'd spend the majority of my waking hours locked in a room with them floating in bliss................................

    note: my avatar is a picture I took during the E2 audition, my signature is in reference to that day
    Performance Series 5.1/1990s L1.L5.L7/L100A

  3. #3
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    Probably more people a year summit Mt. Everest than people on these forums that have heard these speakers - ever.

    But a trip to Japan is something I've been looking forward to for a while. Hope to make it while these are still in service.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the information on your trip to Japan, It is something I always have wanted to do. I had a customer call me that moved from Singapore to Canada inquiring about a Krell pre-amp and we started talking about other gear he owned. Well I asked him what speakers he had B_W he replied not mentioning any names of course. I told him he should try JBL, He right away said anywhere he went in Singapore there would be ton's of JBL to see hear and Demo. He said you may be right But what do I do with my B_W's now. In the Asian market there seems to be a Golden Age of JBL on. I must say the way you discribed your 2 hour demo with the E2 is a very strong statement. But in my experience I would tend to agree that they just grab you and amaze you with sound you never thought was possible to achieve from a loudspeaker. I happened to be lucky enough to sit in a JOHN EARGLE home theatre rig which is an Everest synthesis home theatre set up by JBL in Northridge. We demoed a Western movie where gun shots go off and one cowboy fires a shotgun.I tell you that you feel like your standing on the dirt road with them the shear power of the speakers just hits you in the chest. I have never experienced home theatre like this before. Back to two channel listening to Beatles, Beach boys, classical, jazz, rock, on the E2 is a life time experience and anyone that get's a chance all I can say is Enjoy.
    I think anyone else with there Everest/K2 Moments that can make a post I would enjoy what you all have to say.

  5. #5
    Senior Member JBLAddict's Avatar
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    TiDome recently posted the details of his trip to Northridge, and personal audition of the E2 with Greg Timbers! In the off-topic forum, which you need to join separately. It's an excellent review as always....

    I posted (probably) an overly elaborate detail of my experience with the E2 and others shortly after returning to my hotel in Japan, as I was simply gushing from the experience.
    Performance Series 5.1/1990s L1.L5.L7/L100A

  6. #6
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    I was a chapters book store this morning and ordered two pc's of the April issue of HI FI CHOICE which has a review and the front cover is dedicated to the Everests. Looks like it will be an amazing write up,I think it may be a collectors pc in the future. Just wanted to let all JBL fanatic's know. Had a great time at son la image audio show in Motreal Canada this last week.

    Ron (Altronics Stereo 2000)

  7. #7
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    The SS9900 is apparently a close second

    At the moment 1.0 AUD is trading 82.8 Yen. (previously only 60 Yen)

    On that basis the SS9900 is only AUD $23000

    The DD66000 is more at a cool AUD $35000

    Its definately worth thinking about.

  8. #8
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    Hello gentlemen,

    Picked up the issue of HiFi choice (April) where the Everest DD66000 are on the front cover,needless to say they won the Editor's Choice award.

    Gee I did not know that would happen....

    I also Emailed Greg Timbers to let him know this was coming out and I let him know about the Stereophile with the 1400's on the cover.

    The bryston forum is talking about the 1400's too because the Bryston was used in the review of the Array 1400's.

  9. #9
    Senior Member JBLAddict's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronaltronics View Post
    Hello gentlemen .....The bryston forum is talking.....
    could you post a link pls
    Performance Series 5.1/1990s L1.L5.L7/L100A

  10. #10
    Senior Member BMWCCA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBLAddict View Post
    could you post a link pls

    Google is your friend:
    ". . . as you have no doubt noticed, no one told the 4345 that it can't work correctly so it does anyway."—Greg Timbers

  11. #11
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    JBL Everest DD66000's on display at store in Des Moines, Iowa

    You can hear the Everest's at Audio Video Logic in Des Moines, IA. They just got a pair in and they are beautiful in the rosewood finish. You can hear Audio Research, Krell or McIntosh electronics on them. Even a small ARC 45 wpc (VSi-60) tube integrated amp
    sounds great on them despite the huge listening room they are in. 515-727-2279

  12. #12
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    If anyone has question,s about the Everest's the should ask.

  13. #13

    I have heard this speakers and I can only agree that it is the best high-end speakers out there. Everytime I listening to JBL Everest or K2, the other speakers don't have any chance when it comes to the performance, dynamics and musicallity this speakers produce.

    Just today, I heard the K2 S9800 with the new McIntosh MC452 with the MCD500 as a source. With this simply setup it was totally amazing and great sound.

    If I had more money I would buy these speakers without any hesitation, maybe someday I can.

    If you can, go and listen to the Everest, you won't regret it.


  14. #14
    Senior Member JBLAddict's Avatar
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    what speakers are in your avatar?
    Performance Series 5.1/1990s L1.L5.L7/L100A

  15. #15
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    JBL Everest DD66000's on display at store in Des Moines, Iowa

    I agree the McIntosh gear is a good fit for the Everest's. Few speakers I have heard
    illustrate the differences between electronics better than the Everest's. Yet they
    do this with out sounding clinical or analytical, just allowing the subtle and inherent differences to come through. Krell Evo amps and preamps are another great combination with a bit more bass control and overall speed and extension than the MAC gear but with a little less warmth and romanticism. The Audio Research REF-40 anniversary preamp and REF-210 monoblocks with the new KT-120 power output tubes are incredible on them, positively holographic and completely natural. Of course all of this adds up to the cost of a modest home in Iowa. At the other end of the price spectrum, a 60 wpc Rotel integrated amplifier acquitted itself well on the Everest's. Although not the ultimate in resolution, bandwidth and control, it was still very listenable.

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