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Thread: JBL 1400 Array system.

  1. #1
    Senior Member Doc Mark's Avatar
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    JBL 1400 Array system.

    Greetings, Friends,

    Another thread mentioned the advances made by JBL, shown in their 1400 Array system, compared to my earlier "dinosaur" of a JBL, the L300. I wonder if any good stereo store in So.CA might offer that 1400 system, so that I can go and listen to it for myself? For that matter, do we even HAVE any "good stereo stores" in So. CA??!! I really don't know, to tell you the truth!!

    I did check them out online, and find that a pair of the 1400's retail for close to $12,000, which is a huge chunk of change for Sweet Bride and me. Also, neither of us is too crazy about the way the 1400's look. Sweet Bride said, when I showed her a photo of them on the 'net, "They look like bottles of beer"! I cracked up!!

    In any case, and visual asthetics not withstanding, I'd love to hear a pair, sometime, to see what we're "missing". I fully expect the 1400's to be simply outstanding. But, their extended top end, of 40KHZ will most certainly be wasted on me, as my hearing will not be able to keep up. I also note that the bottom end of the 1400's is just about the same as that of our L300's, at 32HZ -3db. I'm sure that the 1400 has a tighter and more accurate bass, and well it should. But, our L300's sound "right" to me, on the bottom end, without "boom", after all my years of listening to a bass player standing right next to me. Words like "normal" and "natural" come to my mind, when listening to the bass from our L300's. I wonder if I will hear something even MORE "normal" and "natural" through the 1400's?? That would be something special, indeed, and I'd love to hear them!! Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions on how I could make that happen.

    Until then, we'll just keep limping along with our L300's! Take care, and God Bless!

    Every Good Wish,
    The only thing that can never be taken away from you, is your honor. Cherish it, in yourself, and in others.

  2. #2
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    Doc, you're not limping along at all. The other "fun" thread was a lot of chest beating for the heck of it. I just like to make sure those little nostalgia trips are kept in perspective.

    One place you might contact to see about a possible demo is Best of Audio on Hyperion in LA. It's hit and miss what they have on the floor because they carry a ton of products, but they can get most anything and the prices are very competitive.

    You know, when your L300s were new there was one price and only one price if you wanted to buy them. JBL had a strict pricing policy that couldn't be undercut or the dealer might lose the line.

    Today, pricing is all over the map (ha ha, not the MAP--minimum advertised price) with even Harman competing on the bottom line. I doubt anyone would pay $12k for 1400 Arrays, though in 1978 if the L300 list was $2500 a pair, you paid $2500.

    For the Array 1400s, I'd expect to pay 50–60% of list. That's still a lot of money.

    If you can't find any Arrays to listen to, someday when my Synthesis® kit is up and running, you can come by to listen to my SAM1HF/SAM2LF units supported by a pair of 18" S1S-Ex subs.

    Maybe I'll invite a few guys over just for the heck of it to see what everyone really thinks. I'll bet opinions will be all over the place.

    I may expand on this idea in the Synthesis® thread.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Doc Mark's Avatar
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    Hey, TiDome,

    Thank you, Sir! I got a charge and a huge smile out of that other thread, too!

    I will definitely check out the place you suggested. I have an eye exam this coming Friday, in LA, and if time permits, will stop and check out Best of Audio. Thanks for the tip!

    As for a visit to your place, if we're here when you schedule your "event", we'll be there with bells on, and will be happy to bring along some good wine, and some dark beer, just for grins! We've very much enjoyed a couple of get togethers with Grumpy, Todd, and Bart, and always enjoy seeing them again, and others of the JBL-ista ilk!! Please do keep us in mind, should you plan a little listening party! Take care, and God Bless!

    Every Good Wish,
    The only thing that can never be taken away from you, is your honor. Cherish it, in yourself, and in others.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Doc Mark's Avatar
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    Hey, TD,

    Can't seem to find a store on Hyperion, called "Best of Audio. Any suggestions? Thanks, and God Bless!

    Every Good Wish,
    The only thing that can never be taken away from you, is your honor. Cherish it, in yourself, and in others.

  5. #5
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  6. #6
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    There is a local guy who continually sells the 1400 Arrays on C/L (as brand new), though he has no listing at the moment.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by toddalin View Post
    There is a local guy who continually sells the 1400 Arrays on C/L (as brand new), though he has no listing at the moment.
    I believe he invites auditions, too. However, I'll bet he wants a little pre-qualification beforehand.

  8. #8
    Administrator Mr. Widget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titanium Dome View Post
    For the Array 1400s, I'd expect to pay 50–60% of list. That's still a lot of money.
    While I have seen "Demos" and slightly used examples discounted that much, that kind of discount is below dealer cost. Why would any dealer routinely offer that kind of deal? "Here, allow us to special order some Array 1400s for you and sell them to you for less than we paid for them." Does that make sense?

    I guess these expectations also lead to fewer and fewer dealers... oh yeah, it is really hard to find anyone who stock these things... The current business practice of selling product at cost and hoping to make up for it with Monster Cable and extended warranty sales is not really doing anyone any favors. It leads to stores filled with ill informed pimply faced kids acting as salesmen. There was a time when you could easily find a dealer who knew his stuff. He helped you get the most from it, and yes, you paid his salary by buying the merchandise from him. Oh, call me sentimental.


  9. #9
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    Well, I can't change the past, and you can't change the present. That's exactly why dealers are hard to find.

    It's not uncommon to see these products sell at 60-66% of retail from authorized outlets. Plus, I think we both know a couple of guys who get stuff from who-knows-where who sell it below that.

  10. #10
    Administrator Mr. Widget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titanium Dome View Post
    It's not uncommon to see these products sell at 60-66% of retail from authorized outlets.
    Well, you are a consummate shopper, but I can't say that I have seen them commonly sold at any price, much less at such a deep discount. I have seen them listed on Audiogon a handful of times and it seemed to me that while the discount was substantial, 60-66%?


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Widget View Post
    Well, you are a consummate shopper, but I can't say that I have seen them commonly sold at any price, much less at such a deep discount. I have seen them listed on Audiogon a handful of times and it seemed to me that while the discount was substantial, 60-66%?

    The discount would be 34-40% to bring it to 60-66% of retail. Right now there's a nearly new pair from a dealer on A-gon for 57% of new retail, overly inflated by the seller to $14k. That must have included shipping, tax, and concierge service. Granted, they're a few months old.

    So, what about new? How about $4,047 each from Best of Audio? That's $47 more per unit.

  12. #12
    Administrator Mr. Widget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titanium Dome View Post
    The discount would be 34-40% to bring it to 60-66% of retail.
    I misunderstood your earlier posts... I thought you were suggesting that dealers were regularly discounting them 50-60%. Still a 30-40% discount is significant... but it leaves the dealers enough in the product to pay those minimum wage salaries.

    Have you found any dealers who offer them regularly, or is it a pair here a pair there kind of thing? For example would prospective buyers get to choose the finish options or are they "This is what we got." sorts of deals?


  13. #13
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    They're currently backordered. I can't even buy them on Employee Purchase, they are more expensive than the yearly allotment.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Widget View Post
    I misunderstood your earlier posts... I thought you were suggesting that dealers were regularly discounting them 50-60%. Still a 30-40% discount is significant... but it leaves the dealers enough in the product to pay those minimum wage salaries.

    Have you found any dealers who offer them regularly, or is it a pair here a pair there kind of thing? For example would prospective buyers get to choose the finish options or are they "This is what we got." sorts of deals?

    Quote Originally Posted by 4313B View Post
    They're currently backordered. I can't even buy them on Employee Purchase, they are more expensive than the yearly allotment.
    Whatever's floating around in the channel is what's available. You can have any finish you want as long as it's in someone's back room. Seems like the grey market has more stuff but it's a mongrel's mix.

    I tried to buy four 800 Arrays and a center. I found lots, but no five were ever alike at the same time. I tried two Array 1400s, two 800 Arrays, and a center. I could get all of 'em, but not alike.

    BTW, I could get them plus a couple of the Array subs off for a lot less than the Synthesis® system. However, the Synthesis® Array stuff all matches (Do you want black? Good, that's the only color.) and the SAMs got great rep here from those in the know. Plus, the Synthesis® was clearly an authorized dealer purchase, so no grey worries when one S5160 showed up damaged.

    They're no harder to find that my Performance Series stuff was. (You can reread that whole thread any time. ) But you are correct that I'm a determined shopper, and I get spectacular deals on all of it, and of course on the Synthesis® as well.

    In my nonprofit work, I tell my staff that successful grant writing and fundraising are 90% perseverance. I guess I apply that same principle in hunting down what I want in JBLs and other gear. If you're really passionate about getting something, perseverance is your best friend.

  15. #15
    Senior Member Ducatista47's Avatar
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    In other words, JBL is making it really difficult for willing, eager customers to give their money to them. Brilliant strategy.
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