
Iīm looking for informations related to RS-232 commands of signature 2.0.

The serial command protocol on Harman-Kardon homepage "Signature 2.0 Bus Protocol Version 1.0" gives a description of various commands, but the described formats are incorrect and donīt work at all -in Setup the RS-232 configuration is set to Listen / Talk - and issuing commands via IR gives me feedback through serial port - so no stupid error with cable or port configuration.

By looking at the reply strings when preamp receives IR-command I saw that the string format has a different lenght than descibed in the protocol (11 byte incl. checksum not 10 byte as declared).

Then I tried out varios buttom emulation commands with a length of 11 byte (simply added a 00h on the same position where I found it on the received strings) - then some button emulation commands worked, some didnīt.

Is there any additional (or corrected) information for Harman-Kardon Signature 2.0?

Best regards
