Hi All,

- Simply put, I believe it's time that we put an end to the current "free-ride" that this site currently enjoys ( by getting free, Web-Site Hosting ) / and / that we submit to paying "fair market prices" for these services .

- I'll suggest that Jan. 1 2008 would be a reasonable date to start paying for the services . This time period should give the membership the necessary time to get the sites' financial health in order .

- I have no idea what this service would be worth ( perhaps John Nebel can enlighten us ) . It may cost more than what we currently raise on an annual basis.

- If so, the membership will need to step up fund-raising activities ( or pay an annual membership fee based on "true-costs" ) .

- I also think, it wouldn't be a good idea to ask Harman Corp. to support this site financially .