How is it that some political, religion's, different opinions threads are allowed while other is being closed or removed???

How is it that some "newbies" are swept away at their first question with something like: "We have been over this before" .. "read earlier threads, search.."?? .. And "why don't you open a new forum regarding this????" ... "we don't need this here". etc etc.

It might be the right time to get some rules for the moderators so that they can reply the same way whatever the place on earth they live.

It is certainly a time for some members to "chill out", and let the "newbies" feel welcome here or we will see a lot more of one, two ore three posting members here.

As I see it it is a fact that moderators from the US, Germany, AU, and so on react differently on the same subject.

I wish you all will take this question as a friendly question, as I believe there will come something good out of the discussion.