View Full Version : Anyone have experience/know-how re knee sprains?

04-02-2005, 05:58 AM
Trying to find out about such. Anyone?

04-02-2005, 06:51 AM
All I have is a schematic

04-02-2005, 07:00 AM
Thanks. That's a start.

Anyone else?

04-02-2005, 07:39 AM
Not a chronic prob. Talking of a sprain injury caused by a fall with twisting of the knee joint accompanied with a "snap" or "popping" on the in-side of said joint. Similiar I'm sure to what has happened to numerous basketball/football/soccer, etc. players.

Titanium Dome
04-02-2005, 08:53 AM
I played amateur soccer until age 43, when I got hacked by an opponent and fell to the ground with a "pop and a snap." Turns out it was the ACL and some meniscus that got ripped. I could still walk, but with a lot of pain.

One arthroscopic surgery, a full leg brace, two months on crutches, and six months of physical therapy made it right. I could have gone without the surgery, but the pain would have been constant and occasionally my knee would lock up as a flap of torn meniscus floated around in there.

If I had been 30 at the time, the recovery would have taken half (or less) of the time, but age takes its toll. :(

04-02-2005, 10:46 AM
Go here: http://www.kneeguru.co.uk/. They are a truly phenomenal resource.

Even more interesting are the "chat" area under Bulletin Board: http://www.kneeguru.co.uk/KNEEtalk/

You first need to understand what has been "sprained" (term usually associated with damage to the meniscus); then go into the Bulletin Board area for topic-specific dialogue.

After months of literature search (including Elsevier's high falutin' stuff) and three surigcal consultations, this place proved my single best resource for determining what to do (nothing :( ) about my MPFL and recurrent lateral subluxations.

Good luck, and DO NOT dispense with proper and steady therapy sessions. Go slow; be patient.

04-02-2005, 02:04 PM
Thank you for the website....Great link

Titanium Dome
I have had 2 arthroscopic surgeries on my left knee.
I also loved playing soccer and water polo. Now no more...

One day under a house wiring, I noticed that my left knee was feeling funny. I had my legs folded under me kneeling. It had a huge bump on the right side by the knee cap. Apparently the meniscus was damaged or worn out from previous injuries and that I just lived with the pain. I had to tie my ankle to the house and pull the leg to massage and work the knee back in so I could crawl back out. No fun.
The Dr. I saw...didn't think much about it, scans showed nothing. Two years later I had surgery. The new Dr. then said how come you waited so long.
Over 1/2 of the ACL was worn down by the Meniscus tears wearing on it.
Over 1/2 of my cartlidge was gone.

Now after the 2nd surgery several years ago, I have no cartlidge and am a candidate for knee replacement.

Get your knee looked into. Living in constant pain is no fun...

Thanks for the post..
