View Full Version : Dukane 5a540/Coral -- repl diaphragm recommendation?

Herman Chigrin
09-13-2019, 03:10 PM

I got a pair of Dukane aka Coral M100 drivers (no diaphragms). Can someone recommend a source of aluminum or phenolic diaphragms that fit the Dukane 5a540 properly?


Ed Kreamer
09-14-2019, 12:01 PM
maybe simply speakers. it might be (and my guess is ) you won't find anything.

Earl K
09-15-2019, 10:42 AM

I got a pair of Dukane aka Coral M100 drivers (no diaphragms). Can someone recommend a source of aluminum or phenolic diaphragms that fit the Dukane 5a540 properly?


I'm very confident that one can make either an Altec 802 ( type ) or JBL 2425 ( type ) diaphragm fit this Dukane driver ( I do own a single example of the 5a540 with a working Dukane diaphragm ).

I just ( now ) looked at the possibility of fitting up either make and it's apparent that either type would only need the locating pin holes enlarged to allow either type of diaphragm to fit properly.

A much farther ( out-there ) possibility is to try aTOA HFD-352 diaphragm (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBD_enCA823CA823&sxsrf=ACYBGNT08rc21DX-GPJ_SK5n0rY-sLm-Zw:1568568966505&q=TOA+HFD-352+Driver&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjmi7fgrtPkAhXFuZ4KHegYBzoQsAR6BAgGEAE&biw=1904&bih=960#imgrc=x92IsmNIyT3kGM:) ( since I'm pretty sure that the Coral M100 + HFD-352 were made IN the same Japanese factory, each with their own unique identifiers ).



PS; these ( Corals or TOAs ) are Lansing copies through & through ( & better in some regards )

Ed Kreamer
09-15-2019, 01:57 PM
Oops, I stand corrected. It even looks like an 802.

Herman Chigrin
09-16-2019, 09:48 PM
Earl K,

Thanks for the idea. Worth exploring if I can't get the original. However, since you have a single Dukane 5a540 (http://www.audioheritage.org/vbulletin/showthread.php?41865-Dukane-5a540-Coral-repl-diaphragm-recommendation&p=424866#post424866), would you be interested in selling it to me? I also have a single working unit, with original diaphragm. Another one has no diaphragm. Makes sense to have a pair with original diaphragms...