View Full Version : DCR of my LE5-11s seems off.

07-15-2017, 01:20 PM
The LE5-11s in my L250s have me scratching my head. They have sequential serial #s (8332 and 8333), but the cones are slightly different colors (maybe from sun exposure? maybe a recone?), one is a fair margin lighter than the other.

Additionally, the DCRs measure at 6.8 ohm (darker one) and 7.4 ohm (lighter one). I'm wondering if this is cause for alarm, given that the tech sheet (see http://www.audioheritage.org/vbulletin/showthread.php?5706-The-LE5-Matrix) calls for 6.1 ohm DCR. Cause for alarm?

:blink: :dont-know:


07-15-2017, 07:17 PM
Sunlight can definitely cause that cone color to fade. Perhaps one of the enclosures was situated closed to light but if so the other cones would also be faded more than their counterparts.

On the resistance, have to ask, did you factor in the resistance of the leads? Removing 1 ohm of resistance would put your results in line with the spec.

07-16-2017, 03:00 PM
Sunlight can definitely cause that cone color to fade. Perhaps one of the enclosures was situated closed to light but if so the other cones would also be faded more than their counterparts.

On the resistance, have to ask, did you factor in the resistance of the leads? Removing 1 ohm of resistance would put your results in line with the spec.

Great question, I'm not too proud to be reminded of the basics - and you're right, turns out this multimeter has 0.6ohms of internal resistance. So I guess the real DCR readings are 6.2 and 6.8 ohms. Mea culpa! Thanks.