View Full Version : Altec VOT 828 - 816

09-06-2016, 03:24 AM

I have built a few Altec 828 (http://www.voiceofthetheatre.com/images/828H.1.jpg) cabinets and a couple of Altec 816 (http://blog-imgs-55.fc2.com/a/u/d/audioelex/816A_1.jpg) cabinets.
The question is: is has anyone got any experience or advice on making something between the two?
I'm thinking The reduced cabinet size of the 816, but with the flared bottom part of the horn from the 828.
Do you think this is a decent idea? Any potential problems?


09-09-2016, 02:39 PM
Post your question to the Altec User's Board. You'll get opinions there.

Ed Kreamer
09-09-2016, 03:43 PM
Hello Tom from the far flung marshes

You'll get smoother response and better low bass from a large ported box of 5 to 7 1/2 ft3. is there a reason why you want to go the 816/828 route? What are you going to use in it?
