View Full Version : Hartsfield Plots

Maron Horonzakz
04-14-2010, 02:25 PM
Was a frequency plot ever done on the early Hartsfield ??? or even on the later coffin back version????? I cant seem to find any measurments on the bass horn,,,

Harvey Gerst
04-14-2010, 08:32 PM
Was a frequency plot ever done on the early Hartsfield ??? or even on the later coffin back version????? I cant seem to find any measurements on the bass horn,,,No plots that I recall, but I believe it rolled off pretty rapidly below 90 Hz.

Maron Horonzakz
04-15-2010, 07:06 AM
Just wondered,,,Roy Delgado,,Chief Engineer at Klipsch,, Gave a plot of Both the old Klipschorn,,and new version called Jubilee..Both were the same on the low end 40 hz... But the newer Jubilee was good to 1000 hz...Too bad Hartsfield plots were not made,,Of course its not too late..