View Full Version : Cone repair???

Gary L
03-19-2007, 08:28 AM
I am sure we have all seen this before.
I bought a set of Altec 414-8C woofers off ebay, seller shipped them in the same box with the horns and here is the results.


I got my refund and have no further complaint with the seller but I still own a rather distressed but newly rebuilt 414 with a hole in the cone.

I have no immediate use for these so figured I would have nothing to loose by playing around with a repair to see how it might come out and if it will work.

Here are the results with a few questions at the end.


I used a snip of fiberglass window screen and after getting the cut hole lined up I glued the screen to the tear with Aleen's Tacky glue and also did the same on the rear.

I am pretty sure it will stay and be a very strong repair however, I question the resulting sound of this woofer with this repair.
Might just be a question of ballance with the added weight on just one side of this cone should I expect some problems?

I will be sending it in for a complete recone when I decide to employ it in a nice cabinet but just wondering if repairs such as this are at all acceptable when new cones are simply not available and this is the only way to get a woofer back in service.
It seems a shame because this cone is brand new yet with a hole it is useless I think. Cosmetically I could care less about how it looks behind the grill but I do wonder if it can sound as it should with my repair.

Any opinions or experience with this stuff out here?

I will allow the repair some time to set and then give it a listen to hear how it sounds.

